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Tengu swallows the sun in online games (9th Dec 22 at 5:11am UTC)
Albarbara is going crazy. She wants to redeem the whip of imprisonment in order to enhance the power of the reincarnation clock. What's the point of taking the clock of reincarnation in exchange for the whip of imprisonment? Although she hated the man in front of her to death, she forced herself to calm down and said, "Are other things OK?"? I also have an acquired treasure on my body, which is the top grade of the day after tomorrow. How about exchanging it for the whip of imprisonment? Lu Xiaoqi said lightly, "I have said that I have a lot of magic weapons. If you are willing, you can make two more whips of imprisonment. How about I exchange five pieces of acquired treasures with you?" Albarbara creates a Whip of Imprisonment, which consumes one-third of the energy of the Samsara Clock. If she creates two more, the energy in the Samsara Clock will be exhausted. Albarbara did not speak. She bit her lip and turned to fly away. Although Lu Xiaoqi was sincerely willing to exchange five pieces of acquired treasures for two other Hongmeng Ziqi, how could Albarbara agree? If he could exchange five acquired treasures for Hongmeng Ziqi, Lu Xiaoqi would certainly be willing to exchange them, so he did not exaggerate at all. Albarbara felt that Lu Xiaoqi was purely entertaining her, and she did not want to continue the conversation, otherwise she would have to be angry to death by the damn mad dog, so she chose to leave. When Albarbara entered the next floor of the Tower of the Gods, neither Lu Xiaoqi nor the middle-aged man with purple face stopped her. What they cared about most was the mysterious old man with bright attributes and King Arthur. Albarbara was not a big threat. After Albarbara left, the purple-faced middle-aged man flew to Lu Xiaoqi's side and said cheerfully, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Martins. Oliver is my nephew. So you don't have to worry about me and you playing tricks. After killing those guys, we will compete fairly." Lu Hsiao-chi smiled and said, "Well!"! The mysterious old man is very strong,sonicator homogenizer, and King Arthur is a light attribute, if the next level is the light world, we will be very difficult. Martins looked grave tunnel: "Shion that old guy is not only strong, but also crafty, in the world of light I am no match for him.". Originally, I was going to use the thunder cage in the thunder world to prevent him from having a chance to escape, but after being bound by the little girl's time skills,ultrasonic cutting machine, I had no time to use my magic skills and missed the best chance to kill him. "Do you know that old man?" Lu Xiaoqi was curious about the tunnel. Yes, quite well. I've fought with him many times. Martins nodded his head. Does he have any weaknesses? Lu Xiaoqi is full of hope. Martins shook his head and said, "If you fight in other environments, his attack power is not as good as mine, but he has many strange skills, and I can't kill him.". If it is in the world of light, after the 50% increase in magic, I am no match for him, I think you should have no chance. Lu Xiaoqi is not convinced, even if the mysterious old man has many strange skills, his skills are also many. As long as the cooling time of the five-color divine light has passed, the level of the mysterious old man can not exceed three levels. When the time comes, he will use the five-color divine light to force the brush. Even in the world of light, Ultrasonic emulsifier machines ,ultrasonic spray nozzle, the mysterious old man should not be spared. (To be continued.) Volume III The Western World Chapter 664 The Invasion of the Devil "Mad Dog, you have entered the Demon World. The Demon World is the world of the soul. Your body is stripped, and your soul will be attacked by the foreign Demons. Please be careful." The sixth level is not the light world, but the dark attribute of the demon world. Moreover, the sixth layer is not more powerful than anyone else, but to resist the invasion of foreign devils. When the player is practicing, if he is too eager, he will be attacked by the devils outside the country, which will lead to the devil. In the setting of Myth, being possessed by the devil is more terrible than death. If the player is possessed by the devil and dies, if the soul problem is not properly solved, it will still have an impact after resurrection. The fifth floor of the Tower of the Gods is called the Demon World, which makes the player's soul directly affected by the Demon World, and he will go crazy if he is not careful. Lu Xiaoqi and Martins entered the Demon Realm together. The moment they stepped into the Demon Realm, their bodies were taken away by the system, and their souls were sucked into different places in the Demon World. Lu Xiaoqi's Jiuzhuan Xuangong is a method of practicing both the body and the primordial spirit. It focuses on the body and is not as good as the players who specialize in the primordial spirit.
Therefore, when the soul breaks away from the body to accept the test, Lu Xiaoqi's heart is more flustered, in the state of the soul, his body's magical power can not be used, and the primordial spirit's magical power is not what he is good at. Lu Xiaoqi's soul flew all the way, and he met many acquaintances. These people have past lives and present lives, friends and enemies. Past lives and this life are intertwined on the sixth floor of the Tower of the Gods, making it impossible for Lu Xiaoqi to tell which part is the past life and which part is this life. Lu Xiaoqi knew that the illusions created by the extra-territorial devils were all in front of him, and that it was only the beginning, and soon the extra-territorial devils would launch a deep-seated soul attack. Therefore, Lu Xiaoqi must stick to his divine consciousness and avoid being attacked by foreign devils, which will lead him to go crazy. Lu Xiaoqi had a similar experience when he made the Sword of Slaughter. At that time, the Sword of Slaughter also acted directly on his soul, but the scale was far less than the sixth floor of the Tower of Gods. It appeared in front of Lu Xiaoqi when he was refining the Sword of Slaughter. It's often just a scene. In the tower of the gods, it contains all the memories of Lu Xiaoqi, all the past and present lives are deduced in the sixth layer, and all kinds of acquaintances have produced a variety of intersections. At the beginning. These people in Lu Xiaoqi's memory just greeted him normally, and soon the world began to deduce the story. For example, with Lu Xiaoqi familiar with Xuanzang, fearless, mainland scholar, flower demon zero night and so on, there are a variety of stories, deducing their different experiences. Lu Xiaoqi's soul drifted passively in the world of the sixth floor, passively watching everything happen around him. The world was so real that Lu Xiaoqi's consciousness gradually became less sober, although he kept reminding himself that everything in front of him was an illusion. But the resistance is getting weaker. Lu Xiaoqi,ultrasonic cutting machine, like a tourist, looked at the people in his memory and deduced the story. The white crow flew in front of him and stammered: "Crazy.." Brother Mad Dog, someone is bullying me. I'm going to help me vent my anger. 。
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